Voices: Rise in pot use
Toronto Star, Toronto, Ontario, November 24, 2004
A study by a federal agency suggests marijuana use in Canada has doubled over the last decade, with 14 per
cent of respondents saying they smoked pot last year, up from 7.4 per cent in 1994. We asked readers why
they thought this was. Here's what you had to say:
As attitudes have changed from those in 1994 and the substance gets closer to attaining a legal status,
people who use it will feel less inclined to lie to anonymous federal pollsters/narcs on the phone. Thus,
the numbers go up and reflect a Read More ..curate picture of usage.
Dave Acey, Hamilton, Nov. 24
Pot use, among other things, has increased for the same reason that opium in China was so prevalent during
the nineteenth century. Lack of social mobility, lack of economic opportunity, poverty, fashion, and a
government that's nearly as detached from reality as the Qing Emperor was from his people. When it is
perceived that there's little to lose, one doesn't risk very much by medicating himself or herself into
oblivion for a few hours.
Matt Keefer, Peterborough, Nov. 24
People are simply being more honest. I've always suspected the numbers in the past to be low. If everyone
who has ever smoked a joint in their life actually came clean the numbers would be staggering.
Kevin Marks, Barrie, Nov. 24
Marijuana usage has doubled over the last decade because young people (college, university & high school
students) have access to it through friends and have an inner desire to be adventurous and cool. They like
getting high since it produces a sense of euphoria and pleasantness. Smoking is increasing because the pot
supply is not diminishing and the addiction is like a magnet: super strong. There is not enough awareness in
schools to prohibit this matter.
Ashley Soldera, Kingston, Nov. 24
Our culture's liberal view of cannabis use coupled with light penalties for simple possession has been the
main reason for the increase. It will only continue to be more and more common.
Don Johnson, Welland, Nov. 24
I think more people are just admitting to using pot now that laws around it are loosening. However, the
finding that educated, high-income earners are smoking the most pot makes sense - my friends and I are in
this group and we use marijuana not the way alcohol is used, but to relax, de-stress, chill out. Sort of the
way our mothers used Valium in the 1960s.
Marianne Smith, Toronto, Nov. 24
I think most people realize that the harmful effects of pot are at par or lesser than those associated with
cigarettes or alcohol. And it is becoming more socially acceptable; listen to any hip-hop song.
Scott Burdett, Toronto, Nov. 24
I don't think that it's an issue of more, it's more an issue of pot becoming more socially
acceptable. Everyone is now admitting how much pot is part of our everyday life.
Andrew Chapman, Toronto, Nov. 24
As high school progressed, more and more marijuana was used at my school. It became cheaper and easier to
access than liquor and could be found everywhere. I am a user of marijuana, I go to school maintain a 75%
average. I don't think of my cannabis use as a problem. I am responsible when I use it; I don't drive and I
do it on private property. I am not a product of some social ill. I am not deviant. I'm a mild-mannered
Emily White, Peterborough, Nov. 24
The reasons are simple: 1) ease of supply 2) dramatic increase in quality 3) you can't hide being drunk.4)
it works out cheaper than booze and 5) no taxes.
Bob DeVreeze, Bracebridge, Nov. 24
Marijuana is more socially acceptable now than it was 10 years ago. Each year that goes by, more people will
admit to using it because it's not frowned upon as much as it once was. With the government taking steps to
decriminalize small amounts of it, more people are willing to admit their use of it.
Brian Parsons, Toronto, Nov. 24
I think the figures have changed as more people are admitting to use - not that the use itself has doubled.
This reflects on society's acceptance of a relatively benign indulgence, as opposed to far more dangerous
ones such as alcohol.
Fiona Hammond, Ottawa, Nov. 24
I believe increase in pot use might be attributed to the fact people are more forthcoming on their use of
pot. Though it hasn't been decriminalized (yet), it certainly has been de-stigmatized, as evidenced by the
police service's reluctance to press charges, in most cases, for the offence of smoking or possession of
small amounts of pot, and by the federal government's overtures to decriminalize it.
Steve Sampson, Toronto, Nov. 24
I think that marijuana use has increased simply due to that fact that people are discovering it is not that
bad of a drug. Even compared to alcohol, marijuana has mild effects. The fact that educated people use the
drug more indicates that it is not as dangerous as people once thought
Brett Lindsay, Markham, Nov. 24
I suspect the rise in depression rates in increasingly troubled times. As a fully functioning, middle-aged,
productive member of society, I choose to self-medicate rather than use prescription anti-depressants any
more pain particular after the last legal drug I was treated with was removed from market because of deadly
side effects.
Theresa Lennon, Toronto, Nov. 24
I do not believe that the use of marijuana is up, just the view that it is not the devil's drug, as it was
viewed in the not-so-factual movie of the 1940's - Reefer Madness.
Dan Flanagan, Toronto, Nov. 24
As people try marijuana (whatever the reason) and compare experiences with other stimulants they realize
that pot is a benign drug. Impairment is minimal, it is not addictive and it is less harmful than alcohol or
Renzo Zanchetta, Windsor, Nov. 24
Due to greater access to balanced information on marijuana, no longer does irrational
government/conservative-coalition-propagated fear, or conversely, the idea of indulging to "be cool", govern
a person's choice to use marijuana. People are now making more educated and rational choices based on what
the sweet leaf may offer them in itself, and not necessarily based on its perceived social status and/or
Luke Bagatto, Vaughan, Nov. 24
I believe that the increase is due to cultural changes and information. People, especially young adults, see
pot as both harmless and recreational. Also, availability is another issue where the underground supply is
Kevin Macallin, Toronto, Nov. 24
"We must vigilantly stand on guard within our own borders for human rights and fundamental freedoms which are our proud heritage......we cannot take for granted the continuance and maintenance of those rights and freedoms."
John Diefenbaker
About The truth
"All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self-evident."
"In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of how people of different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect."
Bill Clinton
(William J. Clinton)
42nd President of The United States of America
national "Child Day"
November 20th
Canada's "Child Day" is held on November 20th each year as designated by the Parliament of Canada in 1993.
It commemorates the United Nations adoption of two landmark documents concerned with the human rights of all children and youths. Read More ..
Canadian appointed U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights
Louise Arbour took up her duties on July 1, 2004 as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Her term in office ended in June 2008.
Mrs. Arbour was a member of the Supreme Court of Canada immediately preceding her appointment to the UN as Commissioner for Human Rights.
Louise Arbour: a colleague we have failed
Law Times, Canada
22 September 2008
This profession - and all of us in it - have failed to protect, honour, and defend one of our most accomplished and distinguished members. We have let Louise Arbour down by our silence when she needed and deserved voices of support.
On July 1, Arbour stepped down as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, an enormously prestigious and important international position.
The gratitude and praise which greeted her at the end of her term was shamefully muted. Arbour was a courageous champion of human rights, and a bold critic of the erosion of those basic tenets in our world.
She was never timid. She was never chained to a desk, was involved, hands on, outspoken, and challenging. She breathed life into the enormous portfolio that she was asked to take on.

Day Care in Canada
CBC Television News Online, February 9, 2005
It was first proposed in 1970 a program that would provide affordable day care across the country. It was promised when Brian Mulroney and the Conservatives swept to power in 1984. And again four years later.
By the time Jean Chretien's Liberals did some political sweeping of their own in 1993, promises of a national day-care strategy had fallen victim to the realities of a government wallowing in debt. With budgetary knives sharpened and drawn, day care would have to wait.
But the economic climate began to shift and in 1997, Quebec introduced its own day-care system, offering spaces at $5 a day. Demand quickly surpassed supply.
Trophy children
Homosexual adoption
On Feb. 2, 2002 the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that it was endorsing homosexual adoption. The response from the pro-family community was woefully inadequate.
It consisted of bellyaching about the flawed or biased nature of available studies, hand wringing about the lack of empirical evidence or the simple assertion that children of two-parent, married heterosexual couples do best.

Youth Parliament Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories
The Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories shows leadership in support of the rights and responsibilities of our youth to be involved in our democracy.
A great example for all provincial, territorial legislative assemblies and the Parliament of Canada Read More ..