NOW, a Toronto, Ontario newspaper owned by the Toronto Star, BY LEAH RUMACK, December 13, 2001
Tough love for troubled teens, Tory-style. That's what young prostitutes in Ontario narrowly escaped this week when a legislative loophole held up passage of Bill 86. But the scary Big Brother legislation will likely hit the street as early as next spring. First tabled last summer, Bill 86, the "Rescuing Children From Sexual Exploitation Act," gives authorities the power to seize, without a warrant, anyone under 18 who they suspect is involved in sex work. Even if no charges are laid, youths can be held for up to 30 days in a "safe facility" where they can be forced to undergo medical treatment, among other things. They don't like it? Too bad.
The bill was in committee and headed for a third reading when NDP justice critic Peter Kormos scuttled it on a point of order Tuesday (December 11).
"I am adamantly opposed to this bill," says Kormos, who originally was "cautiously supportive." Read More ..
Suicide study surprises
Males in their mid-forties most likely to take their lives,
Ontario group finds
The Globe and Mail. By DAWN WALTON
Thursday, November 29, 2001 Print Edition, Page A10
Health boards publish suicide study
Radio Telefs ireann (RT) is the Irish Public Service Broadcasting Organisation, November 22, 2001
Male-bashing could prove 'disastrous,' authors warn
New book on misandry : "Spreading Misandry"
National Post, Graeme Hamilton, November 14, 2001
Canada's largest daily newspaper
Children's Aid accused of four-year `vendetta'
Family's lawyer asking minister to intervene
Toronto Star, November 13, 2001, Kate Harries - Ontario
"Domestic woes not a one-way street"
London Free Press, By SHARON OSVALD, November 6, 2001
For all the times I stood up and shouted "unfair, unfair," on behalf on my own gender, it's now time for me to defend the other half of the room. Men are getting a bad deal.
It was while helping a friend edit an independent study for her social work degree this first came to my attention. I smiled politely when she first told me she was writing about male partner abuse. (It was sure to be a short report, I thought). Thus began my first introduction to the notion that real sexual prejudice and gender profiling exists for men, just as it does for women. Read More ..
Woman found not guilty of abducting her triplets
TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE The Toronto Star, Dianne Wood, October 21, 2001
`I'm just delighted that justice was served': Mother
`It sets an incredible precedent': Father
STRATFORD - A Stratford mother was jubilant and her ex-husband was shaken yesterday after a jury acquitted her of abducting her triplets in violation of a custody order.
"I'm just delighted that justice was served," a beaming Carline Vandenelsen said outside the Stratford county courthouse, surrounded by emotional family members.
Jurors returned the not guilty verdict an hour into their second day of deliberations. It shook Craig Merkley, the father of the 8-year-old triplets. Read More ..
Abduction of triplets a 'necessity,' jury rules
The National Post, Francine Dubé, October 27, 2001
Verdict clears mother: 'They've just declared open season' on children: father
STRATFORD, ONT. - A woman who became an international fugitive when she abducted her seven-year-old triplets and fled to Mexico was found not guilty by reason of necessity yesterday.
Carline Vandenelsen, 39, shook uncontrollably as the jury foreman read out the verdict. Afterward, she sobbed in the arms of her mother and sisters.
"I guess I'm just elated that justice is served," she said later on the steps of the historic Stratford courthouse. "I acted in the best interests of my children. The circumstances were such that I had to act in this way and in no other way."
Ms. Vandenelsen, who now has access to her children for one day on alternate weekends, said she will continue her efforts to gain greater access to them at a hearing to be held this autumn. Read More ..
Survey suggests teen-agers at high risk for date violence
The Associated Press, published in various newspapers including The Daily Texan, August 27, 2001, Read More ..
Chicago suicides refocus spotlight on depression
Associated Press, various newspapers in Canada and the U.S.A., By LINDSEY TANNER. July 20, 2001
CHICAGO -- A mother of quadruplets flees home and drowns herself in Lake Michigan less than a week after their births.
Another new mother disappears from her house several months after her baby is born and jumps to her death from a 12th-story hotel window.
Aracely Erives, whose body was found in the lake on Wednesday, and Melanie Stokes, who died June 11, were among four new mothers to commit suicide in Chicago over the past two months, authorities say.
The women could have met pushing strollers in the park, sharing stories of sleepless nights, first smiles and favorite lullabies. Instead, at a time that is supposed to bring wondrous joy, they were all struck by postpartum depression. Read More ..
Canada's largest daily newspaper
Hidden and Unreported: Sexual Abuse of Students
We admit that it goes on, but we're not stopping it
The Toronto Star, Kerry Gillespie, Staff Reporter, June 3, 2001
School Predators
Everybody says this doesn't happen any more
For 21 years, Kenneth DeLuca, a teacher in Sault Ste. Marie,
sexually abused female students in his elementary and high
school classes. He coerced them into sexual situations that
ranged from kissing to intercourse.
Sometimes he promised better grades; other times he threatened punishment if they didn't co-operate.
As far back as 1973, students were complaining about him to other teachers, principals and school board officials. But the board simply moved DeLuca to a new school or a new grade.
Jews protest Swedish circumcision restriction
Reuters, June 7, 2001.
Transforming the Culture of Fatherlessness
by Rev. Robert A. Sirico, Acton President, May 23, 2001, - Acton Commentary Read More ..
The Truth About Deadbeat Dads
Reader's Digest Canada, April, 2001, by Gladys Pollack
For decades, they have been pictured as living the high life -- driving their Porsches, vacationing in exotic places -- while their former wives and their children haunt food banks and live off welfare. Branded as "deadbeat dads," they are viewed as heartless men who have simply walked away from their family responsibilities. The fact is, sure, there are some dads who fall into this category -- men who have fathered children but don' t want to honour their obligations to them -- but a closer examination reveals another story.
In general, statistics indicate that between 85 to 91 percent of Canadian children covered either by private or court-ordered child-support agreements actually receive payments, the vast majority receiving regular support payments. And statistics also reveal the close association between the regularity of payment and the frequency of contact between fathers and their children.
Studies also show that many noncustodial fathers who do not pay child support simply can' t afford to. Some are unemployed or on sick leave. In fact, one of the best predictors of nonpayment is the unemployment rate. Higher incomes are associated with higher compliance rates, and lower incomes with lower rates. One study suggests that a father' s ability to pay, in addition to his willingness to pay, determines the extent to which he fulfills his child-support obligations. Read More ..
Boys harmed by fathers' absence
By CHLOE SALTAU, The Age (Melbourne, Australia), Tuesday April 3, 2001
Boys are disadvantaged without the emotional presence of a man in their lives, according to a social researcher who is interviewing men about relationships with their fathers.
Patra Antonis, a psychologist, counsellor and Swinburne University masters student, says men should "be around the herd" and bond with their sons in an inherently male, "rough-and-tumble" way. Her theory is likely to reignite the debate about the impact of absent fathers on the development of their sons.
Ms Antonis is undertaking the research at a time when she says increases in the divorce rate and the rise of out-of-wedlock childbearing have changed families and the role of parents within them. Read More ..
Children's Advocate takes final shots at government
CBC News, Mar 13, 2001
VICTORIA B.C.'s watchdog for children's rights is accusing the provincial government of undermining the needs of thousands of children and their families. In the final report of her six-year term, Child, Youth and Family Advocate Joyce Preston says leadership and staffing problems, combined with a lack of research and planning, have led to the situation. Preston says that, as a result, NDP government services for young people have been all talk and no action. Read More ..
SUSAN NELLES CASE - Nurse falsely accused of murdering babies
"Decision in Nelles case a defining moment"
David Allan Harris B.A., LL.B., Published in the Burlington Post on March 7, 2001
As I reported in my last column, the Ontario Criminal Lawyers Association recently honoured Austin Cooper, presenting him with the G. Arthur Martin Criminal Justice Award. This award was given in recognition of Cooper's many years of service, both to his clients and to the public.
Susan Nelles was one of those clients. She was charged with four counts of first degree murder in connection with the death of four babies who were patients under her care on the cardiac ward at the Hospital for Sick Children and who died from poisoning alleged to have been caused by the deliberate administration of massive overdoses of the drug digoxin. Read More ..
Fathers fight paternity fraud, by Kathleen Parker, February 24, 2001
You can't blame Carnell Smith for being a little ticked off. He was a good father, paid his child support on time, loved and cared for his little girl. That is, until he found out through DNA testing
You can't blame Carnell Smith for being a little ticked off. He was a good father, paid his child support on time, loved and cared for his little girl. That is, until he found out through DNA testing that he wasn't "Daddy." In the two years since he was tested, Smith has become a one-man army trying to advance a relatively new legal term - "paternity fraud." Read More ..
Montreal, Quebec, by David MacRae Feb. 3, 2001
Women who kill their children are given sympathy and sentenced to "treatment" while men who do the same thing are charged with murder and sentenced to life.
Perhaps it is not a coincidence that women are many times more likely to murder their offspring than men. Read More ..
Trophy children
On Feb. 2, the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that it was endorsing homosexual adoption. The response from the pro-family community was woefully inadequate. It consisted of bellyaching about the flawed or biased nature of available studies, hand wringing about the lack of empirical evidence or the simple assertion that children of two-parent, married heterosexual couples do best.
The report made by the AAP's Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health says that there is "no existing data to support the widely held belief that there are negative outcomes" for children raised by homosexual parents. Further more, the committee asserts, "No data have pointed to any risk to children as a result of growing up with one or more gay parents." Read More ..
False alarm bells sounded
A review of Winnipeg's Child and Family Services after untrue allegations of sexual molestation were facilitated by a social worker resulted in wholesale changes in the way child-abuse cases are investigated
National Post, by Donna Laframboise, January 31, 2001 Read More ..
Who Says, 'Men Are More Violent?'
Massachusetts News, Inc., January, 2001
It is becoming increasingly clear that women are just as violent as men.
For example, in 1999 a Justice Department report supported data from 1980 which showed that wives hit their husbands at least as often as husbands hit their wives.
The liberal Mother Jones magazine reported the story this way: A surprising fact has turned up in the grimly familiar world of domestic violence: Women report using violence in their relationships more often than men. This is not a crack by some anti-feminist cad; the information will soon be published by the Justice Department
The study was by Terrie Moffitt, a University of Wisconsin psychology professor. When it was first released, it was so controversial that some of the researchers received death threats. Read More ..
Pediatricians turn away from circumcision
The United States is the only country that routinely circumcises baby boys for non-religious reasons
March 1, 1999
ATLANTA (CNN) -- American pediatricians are turning away from the practice of routine circumcision, concluding that doctors have no good medical reason to perform the procedure.
The United States is the only country in the world that routinely removes the foreskins of infant boys. Critics of circumcision got additional ammunition Monday from the American Academy of Pediatrics, a leading medical organization.
The academy concluded the benefits "are not compelling enough" for circumcision to be routinely administered.

A newborn winces in pain after a circumcision
Monday's statement, published in the March edition of the journal Pediatrics, was the academy's first in 10 years on the practice. But in recent years, medical societies in Canada, Britain and Australia have come out in opposition to routine circumcision.
Critics have long contended that removing the foreskin from the penis is traumatic, medically unnecessary and may reduce sexual pleasure later in life. As one critic, Dr. George Denniston, put it: "Who are we to question mother nature?"
Canadian researchers, whose study was published in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association, studied the heart rates and crying patterns of babies during different stages of circumcision.
In fact, in the study they found the babies suffered so much trauma that they stopped the study part way through.
The results were so compelling that they took the unusual step of stopping the study before it was scheduled to end rather than subjecting any Read More ..bies to circumcision.
One baby stopped breathing for 25 seconds from the trauma of having part of his foreskin severed. Read More ..
Female Teacher Charged With Sex Assault on Seventh-Grade Boy
Associated Press / Fox News
MORRISTOWN, N.J. — A 35-year-old seventh-grade teacher was charged with having sex with one of her students at least 20 times at the teacher's home.
Jodi Thorp, 35, surrendered to authorities Monday on charges of aggravated sexual assault, aggravated sexual contact and endangering the welfare of a child. Prosecutors claim she had sex with the boy at her Mendham home between June 2001 and September 2002. The boy is now 15.
3 year old male student charged with sexual harassment in school
Teacher "We are not going to put up with it."
Boy only 3 years old!!
The Manchester News UK
Pervert Woman Carer who Preyed on Boys is Jailed
The mother of one victim said after Bromiley was jailed: "If I could get hold of her I'd kill her. She stole my son's childhood and he's now in a terrible state and has threatened suicide. She got away lightly and should have got at least 10 years."
Judge David Hale explained that he was constrained by the law which only allows for specific charges to be brought when the offender is a woman. Had she been male, he said, the sentence would have been in double figures.
He said: "As a house mother you were in charge of children who were mentally and educationally disadvantaged and you took your own advantage of them for your own needs and sexual pleasure. This is the worst case of a woman abusing children in her care any court in the land has had to face." Read More ..
CYF project halves child suicide rate
The New Zealand Herald, BY LEAH HAINES, October 10, 2004
A three-year project by welfare and health agencies has halved the rate of suicide among some of the country's most at-risk children.
Researchers say the project has the potential to put a massive dent in New Zealand's youth suicide rate - currently the highest in the developed world.
The results of the Towards Well Being suicide monitoring project were due to be presented to an international conference on youth suicide this weekend and are expected to gain global attention. Read More ..
The Supreme Court of Canada -
Cour suprême du Canada
Big win for child identity rights.
Father wins right to be named on birth registration forms. Read More ..
The Manchester News UK
Pervert Woman Carer who Preyed on Boys is Jailed
The mother of one victim said after Bromiley was jailed: "If I could get hold of her I'd kill her. She stole my son's childhood and he's now in a terrible state and has threatened suicide. She got away lightly and should have got at least 10 years."
Judge David Hale explained that he was constrained by the law which only allows for specific charges to be brought when the offender is a woman. Had she been male, he said, the sentence would have been in double figures.
He said: "As a house mother you were in charge of children who were mentally and educationally disadvantaged and you took your own advantage of them for your own needs and sexual pleasure. This is the worst case of a woman abusing children in her care any court in the land has had to face." Read More ..
CYF project halves child suicide rate
The New Zealand Herald, BY LEAH HAINES, October 10, 2004
A three-year project by welfare and health agencies has halved the rate of suicide among some of the country's most at-risk children.
Researchers say the project has the potential to put a massive dent in New Zealand's youth suicide rate - currently the highest in the developed world.
The results of the Towards Well Being suicide monitoring project were due to be presented to an international conference on youth suicide this weekend and are expected to gain global attention. Read More ..
The Supreme Court of Canada -
Cour suprême du Canada
Big win for child identity rights.
Father wins right to be named on birth registration forms. Read More ..
U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child -
Signed, Sealed But Not Delivered
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child popular, but hard to enforce
April 13th, 2005
The construction of a legal framework required to fully satisfy obligations under a United Nations convention to protect children will be an ongoing process in Canada, Justice Minister Irwin Cotler told the Senate Human Rights Committee on Monday.
Mr. Cotler said that each new law or regulation passed by Parliament will continue to obey the rules of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as with all international norms. However, he stopped short of endorsing complete compliance with each one of the Convention's elements, some of which have provoked controversy since its UN approval over 15 years ago.
Man Can Sue Woman For Sperm Theft Distress
Associated Press, U.S.A.
Feb. 24, 2005
CHICAGO (AP) A woman accused of using her lover's sperm to impregnate herself without his knowledge can be held liable for the unwitting father's emotional pain, the Illinois Appellate Court has ruled.
In the ruling released Wednesday, a three-judge panel reinstated part of a lawsuit against Sharon Irons, a doctor from Olympia Fields. The ruling sends the case back to Cook County Circuit Court.
Irons was sued by her former lover, Chicago family physician Richard O. Phillips, who accused her of a "calculated, profound personal betrayal" of him after a brief affair they had six years ago.
Scotland's National Newspaper
96% of women are liars, honest
5,000 women polled
Half the women said that if they became pregnant by another man but wanted to stay with their partner, they would lie about the baby's real father.
Forty-two per cent would lie about contraception in order to get pregnant, no matter the wishes of their partner.
Why you shouldn't see VAGINA MONOLOGUES
Lesbian Pedophilia and the rape of girls
Don't attend performances.
Study: Child Porn Isn't Illegal In Most Countries
A review of child pornography laws in 184 countries shows that more than half have no laws that address child pornography.
Information Week
April 6, 2006
At a press conference in Washington, D.C., the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) and other participants, including Microsoft, presented a study on Thursday revealing the woeful inadequacy of child pornography laws around the world.
ICMEC's global policy review of child pornography laws in 184 Interpol-member countries showed that more than half have no laws that specifically address child pornography, and in many others the existing laws are insufficient.
"It's hard to arrest and prosecute if you don't have the legal foundation on which to build," said Ernie Allen, ICMEC president and CEO.
The ICMEC study found that possession of child pornography isn't a crime in 138 countries. In 122 countries, there's no law dealing with the use of computers and the Internet as a means of child porn distribution.
"One of the greatest challenges we are confronted with is child safety, child protection, and child rights," said Baron Daniel Cardon de Lecture, chairman of ICMEC. Most of the countries in the world, he said, "have no meaningful system to adequately and effectively combat sexual exploitation of children."
Only five countries--Australia, Belgium, France, South Africa, and the United States--have laws deemed adequate by ICMEC to address the issue.
South Korean Husband Wins Paternity Fraud Lawsuit
Associated Press, USA
June 1, 2004
South Korean husband successfully sues wife for Paternity Fraud and gets marriage annulled. Wins $42,380 in compensation
DNA test confirms fraud, annulment granted: judge
The Visayan Daily Star, Bacolod City, Philippines, BY CARLA GOMEZ, February 28, 2009
Bacolod Regional Trial Court Judge Ray Alan Drilon has annulled the marriage of a Negrense couple after a DNA test showed that the child borne by the wife was not the biological offspring of the husband who works abroad.
The family court judge ruled that the marriage of the couple, whose names are being withheld by the DAILY STAR on the request of the court, was null and void.
Due to fraud committed by the wife in getting her overseas worker husband to marry her, properties acquired during their marriage are awarded in favor of the husband, the judge said in his decision, a copy of which was furnished the DAILY STAR yesterday.
The judge also declared that since the overseas worker is not the biological, much less the legitimate father of the child of the woman, the Civil Registrar is ordered to change the surname of the child to the mother's maiden name and remove the name of the plaintiff as father of the child.
The complainant said he was working as an electronics engineer in the United Arab Emirates and on his return to the Philippines in 2001, his girlfriend of 10 years with whom he had sex, showed him a pregnancy test result showing that she was pregnant.
On receiving the news he was overjoyed and offered to marry her. Shortly after he went to Saudi Arabia to work, and his wife gave birth to a baby girl in the same year.
The birth of the child only five months after their marriage puzzled him but his wife told him that the baby was born prematurely, so he believed her, the husband said. Read More ..
Adulterous woman ordered to pay husband £177,000 in 'moral damages'
The Daily Mail, UK
18th February 2009
An adulterous Spanish woman who conceived three children with her lover has been ordered to pay £177,000 in 'moral damages' to her husband.
The cuckolded man had believed that the three children were his until a DNA test eventually proved they were fathered by another man.
The husband, who along with the other man cannot be named for legal reasons to protect the children's identities, suspected his second wife may have been unfaithful in 2001.
About The truth
"All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed, Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as self-evident."