Virtual Library of Newspaper Articles

Domestic Violence or Paternity Fraud?

January 10, 2005, Townhall, U.S.A.

A judge in Spokane Washington declined a woman's request for a divorce. Her husband did not object to the divorce, and her husband is in jail for assaulting her. Naturally, women's advocates are in a tizzy.

women's advocates worry the ruling sets an unsettling precedent.

"This is a woman in domestic violence asking to get out of the relationship," said Hughes' attorney, Terri Sloyer. "We're telling abusers that if you can get her pregnant you can keep her married to you."

On what grounds would the judge deny the divorce? The woman is now 7 months pregnant, a fact that she did not disclose during the divorce proceedings. Evidently, she didn't bother to tell her husband of her pregnancy. She says that her husband is not the father of the child. Rather she became involved with a childhood friend, who now happens to be in Spokane County Jail awaiting trial on a federal drug charge.

The judge is miffed because she did not inform her husband that she was pregnant. As in most states, under Washington state law, an ex-husband is presumed to be the father of any child born up to 300 days after a divorce and can be liable for child support. The judge told the woman:

"You needed to serve him and give him notice that his rights as a father or as a non-father were being determined in that matter. It wasn't done."

The husband might have had a different attitude toward the divorce, had he known of her pregnancy.

"Further muddying the waters is Shawnna Hughes' reliance on public assistance. The state of Washington objected to the divorce because it might leave the state unable to identify a father and pursue him for repayment of welfare money used to support the child."

Was this woman deliberately trying to pin this child on her ex-husband, rather than on her boyfriend, in order to saddle the husband with child support? We can't know her motives from reading the newspaper. But considering that she seems to have several lawyers around her helping with her appeals, it does seem odd that no one went through the proper procedures for establishing paternity.

This judge has a legitimate point. The woman is not in any danger of being abused by this man: he is in jail, and she has a restraining order against him, whether she stays married to him or not!

The precedent this judge is setting is to put women on notice that they can not take a cavalier attitude toward establishing the paternity of their children.

Does anyone in cyberspace know any more about this case? It seems to me there is more than meets the eye, especially, the jaundiced feminist eye, that only sees injustice against women, but is blind to any injustice to men.

National Post - Canada

The mean T-shirt: From the Stupid Factory
Todd Goldman says his popular boy-bashing T-shirts are simply funny.

So why are retailers having second thoughts?

The National Post, Georgie Binks, Saturday Post, May 29, 2004

Three teenaged girls, ponytails swinging, riffle through the T-shirts at a Bluenotes clothing store in Toronto's Yorkdale Shopping Centre. They giggle when they spy a T-shirt with the words, "Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them" emblazoned on the front. Lisa Sanzo, 16, shakes her head, "They're pretty stupid, kind of childish. I would never buy one."

LA Chain Agrees to Pull 'Boys are Stupid' T-Shirts After Storm of Protest from His Side Listeners

Men's News Daily
January 6, 2004

The campaign began Sunday evening at 9 PM, and by 9 AM the next morning, it was all over.

Men's and fathers' issues radio talk show host Glenn Sacks declared a campaign against Tilly's clothing store, which sells T-shirts which say "Boys Are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Them" , during the Sunday, January 4 broadcast of His Side with Glenn Sacks in Los Angeles and Seattle. The shirts depict a little boy running away as several rocks come flying at his head.

The next morning Tilly's, which has 32 locations in Southern California, was deluged with angry e-mails and phone calls. Sam Mendelsohn, Tilly's Senior Vice President, issued a statement Monday morning saying he had "immediately instructed the removal of merchandise in question [throw rocks] from all locations." Mendelsohn expressed his "sincere apologies regarding the merchandise." Read More ..

National Post

The mean T-shirt: From the Stupid Factory

Todd Goldman says his popular boy-bashing T-shirts are simply funny.

So why are retailers having second thoughts?  Read More ..