Family Responsibility Office ( FRO ) - Phone Numbers - Email Directory - Ontario

Client Services Department Telephone Numbers - Family Responsibility Office -

416-326-1817 - Client Services - This phone number is an automated frustrating automated system which gives out little info anyway.

416-326-1818 - Automated Information, 7 days a week , 24 hrs

416-240-2410 - Interjurisdictional Support Orders

TTY:  416-240-2414

Toll Free:  800-267-7263 - Automated Info Outside 416 & 905 Local Calling Area

Toll Free:  800-267-4330 - Client Services Outside 416 & 905 Local Calling Area)

Toll Free:  800-463-3533 - ISO Outside 416 & 905 Local Calling Area

Fax - Client Services:  416-240-2401 - Client Services

Managers - Client Services

Mena Zaffino, Director, Client Services Branch, 416-240-4622  ( salary $118,107.72 / year - 2014 plus benefits on "Ontario Sunshine List"

Rosa      , Administrative Assistant to the Director of Client Services  416-240-2478 was

Maria Mayer, Issues Coordinator /IRU, 416-240-2459  

Nancy Hutton, Senior Manager (Acting) 416-240-2469

Joe Caruso, Senior Manager 416-240-2424   verified

Louise Pachal, Senior Manager, 416-240-2437

Suzi Ardito, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2462

Sylvia D'Urzo, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2448

Debbie Koukouves, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2446

Josephine Miceli, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2436

Phil Rajnauth, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2416

Robert Rotondo, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2443

Margo Carson, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2438

Carol Di Piero, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-4616

Murt Nazarali, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-246-2593

Andrew Wisdom, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-4603 (phone not working June 2016)

Leslie Lesch, Manager, Enforcement Services 416-240-4610 

was AnnMarie Connell, Manager, Enforcement Services (Acting)  416-240-4623

male  french Manager, Enforcement Services  416-240-4623 

Kathie Persaud, Manager, Enforcement Services ( Acting )  416-240-2427

Philip Aiello, Manager, Enforcement Services  416-240-4620

Flore Allen, ESR  416-243-1900 ext 4082

Christine Ridge, Manager, Enforcement Services 416-240-2472

Ron MacIsaac, Manager, Planning & Support Unit, 416-240-2471

Osmand Bangura, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2420

About email addresses:  Most of the employees have an email address made up of their first name plus a period plus their last name followed by

The Family Responsibility Office of Toronto, Ontario, Mailing Address and Geographic Location

Mailing address:

Family Responsibility Office
Ministry of Community and Social Services
PO Box 200 Stn A,
Oshawa, ON L1H 0C5

Geographic address for personal service of legal documents and couriers:

Family Responsibility Office
125 Sir William Hearst Ave, Bldg B
Toronto, ON M3M 0B6

note to couriers: no suite number is required, front desk security will get a FRO employee to sign for deliveries.

Family Responsibility Office of Ontario Canada- building

Above is a picture of the front door of the building of the Family Responsibility Office taken from Sir William Hearst Ave. just 1 block west and 1 block south of Keele St. and Wilson Ave., ( just north of Hwy 401, behind the Humber River Hospital)

Complaints - Support Payers and Support Recipients

Make notes and keep a diary with the dates and times that you called the FRO, the employee with whom you spoke and the details of the conversation. If it is an important matter, write them a letter summarizing the conversation and what was agreed.

For example, we have received reports that FRO employees have stated that they would not suspend a certain person's driver's license and that they did so anyway.

We have also received complaints from a support payer who stated to us that the FRO was collecting money that wasn't owed and that upon the Director getting written proof and a copy of the court order, they sent the money to the support payer within 24 hours by courier. The payer advised us that the money had been taken in contravention of a court order.  The North Bay court had ordered a stay on the collection of the arrears from a parent living in poverty to allow the parent to travel to North Bay from Toronto for parenting time with the child. The FRO ignored the order and left all federal garnishments in place and seized money so that the parent wasn't even able to pay his rent.  The child support was effectively being paid to the Government of Ontario since the recipient was on social assistance.

Support recipients have provided information to the FRO and they have failed to act to get thousands of dollars owing a support recipient until it was put in writing to the director.

The FRO ( formerly the Family Support Plan) has been taken to court on contempt when they have failed to pay money as ordered by the Superior Court of Justice of Ontario. The lawyer for the FRO lied to the Halton Region judge of the Superior Court of Justice and stated that the Writ of Sale and Seizure had been lifted against the property of one of the parties.  It hadn't been.

We have documented proof of a case in which the Superior Court of Justice ordered the FRO to provide the court with a statement of the monthly payments and amounts received and they refused in contravention of the court order saying they don't have to comply with the court order.

Complaints - put it in writing, provide details and fax to:

Ministry Children, Community and Social Services


Minister of Children, Community and Social Services
The Hon. Todd Smith
Hepburn Block, 6th Floor
80 Grosvenor St.
Toronto, ON  M7A 1E9

Voice Phone: 416-325-5233

Fax: 416-325-5240

Deputy Minister Janet Menard Email:

Josh Vandezande, Executive Assistant (Acting)  416-325-5234

Asha Riyaz, Special Assistant and Scheduler to the Deputy Minister  416-325-5235

Yolande Davidson, Senior Policy and Program Advisor  416-212-8184

Menga Nzeyedio, Administrative-Receptionist (Acting) (Bilingual)  416-325-5225

Susan Galea, Senior Policy and Program Advisor 416-325-5236

Maria Pereira, Special Assistant/Coordinator (Acting) 416-325-5238


Trevor Sparrow,  Assistant Deputy Minister - Responsible for the Family Responsibility Office,

Kelly Burnham, Executive Assistant to Trevor Sparrow, Email:, 416-240-2497

Pat Rigazzi, Administrative Assistant, Email:, 416-240-2483

Susan Ellis-Stephens | Manager, Resolution Unit, 416-240-2460

Sonia Christie | Senior Issues Coordinator/Ombudsman | 416-246-2595 |

Lisa Walton | Senior Issues Coordinator | 416-240-2415 |

Jennifer Adams | Issues Resolution Officer (Acting) | 416-240-2412 |

Grace Catinella | Issues Resolution Officer | 416-240-4636 |

Jell Galloway | Issues Resolution Officer (Acting) | 416-246-2593 |

Nicole Stewart | Issues Resolution Officer | 416-683-5192 |

Mark Anthony Ellis | Inquiries Analyst | 416-240-4639 |

Christine Floros | Inquiries Analyst | 416-683-5039 |

Director, Client Liaison - Bani Bawa Email:

Director, Client Triage & Resolution - Doris Dumais Email:

Director, Strategic and Operational Effectiveness - Michelle Lewis Email:

Director, Client Operations - Erin O'Connor Email: Tel: 416-240-2477   Fax: 416-240-2401 ( same as client services' fax number below )

Kathie Darroch-Dehenne, Executive Assistant 416-240-2460 (verified)

Erin O'Connor Erin.O' 416-240- (verified working at FRO)

Maria Mayer, Issues Coordinator  416-240-2481

Natalie Prystay, Divisional Coordinator 416-240-4629

Pat D. Rigazzi,  Administrative Assistant  416-240-2483

Cheri Schola, Team Leader, 416-240-2466

LEGAL DEPARTMENT - Employees Names Phone numbers, emails - Family Responsibility Office

Kikee Malik, Director, FRO Legal Services 416-240-2480

Pat Naccarto, Manager, Finance & Administration (Acting) 416-240-2444

Aldina Russell, Administrative Assistant to Legal Director  416-240-3649

Mark Alchuk, Senior Counsel 416-240-1900 Ex. 7147

Fatima Amaral, Counsel, 416-240-4614

Sharlene Becker, Counsel 416-240-4604

Helena Birt, Counsel 416-240-2482

Stefania Campoli,  Counsel  416-240-7298

Azra Champsi,  Counsel  416-240-2491  verified

Michelle Douglas-Cummings, Senior Counsel  416-240-3648

Tina Earl, Counsel  416-240-3635

Heather Puchala, Counsel  416-240-2486

Shane Foulds, Counsel, 416-240-2484

Dia Nixon   416-240-3645 leave of absence until  Nov 4, 2016

Emily Francescutti, Counsel,

Diane Gillies, Counsel,  416-240-2470

Elizabeth Horrocks,  Counsel  416-240-7052x

Ron Hurren,  Senior Counsel, 416-240-2485

Heather Puchala,  Counsel, 416-240-2486

Rachel Radley,  Counsel,  416-240-2455

Elizabeth Seo,  Counsel,

Kelly Spear,  Senior Counsel, 416-240-2435 verified

Greg Sutter, Counsel  416-240-2428 verified

Christine Ziedins,  Senior Counsel, 416-240-2490  verified

Molly Leonard, Articling Student - LEGAL SERVICES  416-243-1900 ex 7095

Carla Whillier, Articling Student - LEGAL SERVICES 416-243-1900 Ex. 7136

Keith Taller,  Articling Student  416-243-1900  Ex. 7136

Jessica         ,  Law Clerk and Case Manager - Ontario Central Authority - Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, 416-243-1900  Ex. 7110

 Deborah Clarke

Tina Kapoor, Law Clerk, 416-243-1900 Ex.

Annamaria Jeffers,  Law Clerk, 416-243-1900 Ex. 7134

            ,  Litigation Coordinator, 416-240-3631

Patricia Daramala

Cathy Ferguson, Litigation Coordinator,  416-240-3632   verified

Carol Hagen, Litigation Coordinator,  416-240-2489 verified

Joseanne Job,  Litigation Coordinator,  416-243-1900 Ex. 7209

Joseanne Job

Dace Johnson,  Litigation Coordinator,  416-240-2487   verified

Alla Gorbatchevskaia, Legal Secretary 416-243-1900 Ex. 7155

Lisa Solimene, Legal Secretary,  416-243-1900 Ex. 7250

LEGAL DEPARTMENT ADDRESS - Family Responsibility Office -

Family Responsibility Office Ontario - Legal Services

Service of legal documents on the Family Responsibility Office:

By mail to:

Legal Services

Family Responsibility Office

Ministry of Community and Social Services
P.O. Box 220
1201 Wilson Avenue
Toronto ON M3M 3A3

By fax to:

Legal Services

Family Responsibility Office
Ministry of Community and Social Services
Legal Department Fax: 416-240-2402

By delivery to:

Legal Services - Family Responsibility Office
Ministry of Community and Social Services
125 Sir William Hearst Ave, 7th Fl;
Toronto, ON M3M 0B5

Fax legal department: 416-240-2402

How to find all of the current telephone numbers for the Ontario Family Responsibility Office on the Government of Ontario Telephone Directory published on the Internet

If you scroll down this webpage you will find the current telephone numbers and addresses. They change frequently with personnel changes. In this section, we explain how to find the current telephone numbers should those provided below become out-of-date.

The top part of this page shows how to find the Ontario Family Responsibility Office telephone numbers on the Ontario Government employee listing website. The part further down shows the telephone numbers as of the date of publication of this webpage.  PRINT OFF THIS WEBPAGE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.

The following people were previously listed at the Family Responsibility Office.

Denise Karki, Manager, Enforcement Services, 416-240-2469

;Elizabeth Seo, Counsel, 416-240-4639

Auditor General Ontario

Auditor General of Ontario

Disasterous Report on the Family Reponsibility Office FRO 2010

80% of Telephone calls don't get answered

Payers and recipients do not have direct access to their assigned enforcement services officer

"There is only limited access to enforcement staff because many calls to the Office do not get through or are terminated before they can be answered."

"The Office is reviewing and working on only about 20% to 25% of its total cases in any given year."

"At the end of our audit in April 2010, there were approximately 91,000 bring-forward notes outstanding, each of which is supposed to trigger specific action on a case within one month. The status of almost one-third of the outstanding bring-forward notes was "open," indicating either that the notes had been read but not acted upon, or that they had not been read at all, meaning that the underlying nature and urgency of the issues that led to these notes in the first place was not known. In addition, many of the notes were between one and two years old."

"For ongoing cases, the Office took almost four months from the time the case went into arrears before taking its first enforcement action. For newly registered cases that went straight into arrears, the delay was seven months from the time the court order was issued."

Read the shocking report by The Auditor General of Ontario Report on the Family Responsibility Office

The Canadian Press

Ombudsman says he gets too many complaints about Family Responsibility Office

Andre Marin says system has improved but 'over $200,000 not going to needy parents'

The Canadian Press
July 28, 2015

Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin took aim at the Family Responsibility Office and the justice system in his annual report that came out Tuesday.

The Ontario agency responsible for enforcing court-ordered child and spousal support payments has been singled out again by the ombudsman because of a growing number of complaints.

There were 1,167 complaints about the Family Responsibility Office in 2014-15, a slight increase over the previous year but up considerably from 794 complaints two years ago, ombudsman Andre Marin said in his annual report Tuesday. Read More ..

Ottawa Citizen

Ontario agency admits to overbilling on child support payments

The Ottawa Citizen
January 14, 2012

TORONTO - Ontario's controversial Family Responsibility Office has been overbilling 1,700 parents, mostly fathers, for as long as 13 years, the province admitted Friday.

The 1,700 parents were overbilled by an average $75 each month, after the agency wrongly applied a cost of living adjustment that was eliminated in 1997.

Those who were overpaid will not be forced to give the money back.

Instead, taxpayers will foot the $5.3 million bill for the agency's mistake.

"This error's been found and it's being corrected," said Liberal cabinet minister John Milloy. "We're going to be reaching out to those individuals (who were overbilled) and talking to them about their situation, formally alerting them."

The Family Responsibility Office, or FRO, is responsible for ensuring court-ordered child support payments are made. Read More .. than 97 per cent of all payers overseen by the office are male.

Milloy said the agency discovered the problem at some point in 2011. No one will be fired for the mistakes, he added.

"I see this as something very serious," he said in an interview. "I'm not trying to minimize it, but … there's been lots of action taken to reform FRO, to update computer systems, to update customer relations and it's on a much firmer footing."

The billing mistake is only the latest controversy to engulf FRO.

National Post

Ontario's child financial support collection agency has big problems

Ontario's Family Responsibility Office has many problems

Quote from Ontario Government Ombudsman -"an equal opportunity error-prone program,."'

Support recipients not getting their money.

Men who've been meeting their court-ordered obligations have trouble getting the FRO to stop taking payments when it's supposed to.   Read More ..

The Women's Post

"Canada's National newspaper for professional women"

Does the FRO have a feminist perspective?

When families fall apart, they can make for the bitterest of enemies. The intensity of their hostility, the personal rhetoric, the posturing and positioning, and the utter faithlessness of remembrance in the relationship's good deeds and consequences is a breathtaking phenomenon. It's as if the positive qualities and countless achievements are struck from history as a revisionist might strike the Holocaust. Into all of this the family court system wades, often inelegantly. Divorce lawyers drive up the emotional and financial toll of separation and transformation. Family and friends frequently collude to make things worse.

And when government decides to rear its head, well, it's a mess for all the world to see. Witness the recent attention on Ontario's euphemistically branded Family Responsibility Office. A job in advertising doubtlessly greeted the person who came up with its title, because it suggests some sort of feel-good missionary work to hold together the sanctity of the institution.   Read More ..

Women's Post Newspaper

"Canada's national newspaper for professional women"

The Family Responsibility Office Under Scrutiny

On June 9, 2005 the McGuinty government announced the passage of Bill 155, legislation that promised to increase enforcement, improve fairness and enhance efficiency at the Family Responsibility Office (FRO).

However, the legislation did not address the problem of accountability and, as things now stand, the FRO is a threat to every Canadian affected by a government regulated support and custody arrangement system. Think of George Orwell's 1984 and you'll have a good picture of how issues are handled at the FRO.

They have legal power to extort money from Canadians, but are not responsible or accountable for their actions.

Last year an FRO staff member decided not to wait for a court date to review the financial status of an out-of-work truck driver and took it upon themselves to suspend his license because he was, understandably, behind on his payments, having lost his job earlier in the year. Although he was looking for work, the FRO cut off the only way he knew of to earn a living. His suicide note explained how he'd lost all hope. Is this what we want FRO to be doing?  Read More ..

Minister responsible for Ontario's Family Responsibility Office admits liability and will pay damages

October 25, 2006

Transcripts from the Hansard - Legislative Assembly of Ontario - Question period Read More ..

National Post logo

Pilloried, broke, alone

March 25, 2000

Divorced fathers get a bad rap for not supporting their children. The truth is, many can't. And, tragically, some are driven to desperate measures, including suicide.

In his suicide note, Jim, the father of four children, protests that "not all fathers are deadbeats." Jim hanged himself because he couldn't see any alternative. Even now, his children are unaware of the circumstances of their father's death. Meeno Meijer, National Post George Roulier is fighting to regain money wrongfully taken from his wages by the Ontario child-support collection agency. Chris Bolin, National Post Alan Heinz, a Toronto firefighter, has gone bankrupt fighting for the return of his daughter, 3, from Germany. No one will help him, but German authorities are trying to collect child support from him.

Whenever fathers and divorce are discussed, one image dominates: the 'deadbeat dad,' the schmuck who'd rather drive a sports car than support his kids. Because I write about family matters, I'm regularly inundated with phone calls, faxes, letters and e-mail from divorced men. It's not news that divorced individuals have little good to say about their ex-spouses. What I'm interested in is whether the system assists people during this difficult time in their lives, or compounds their misery. From the aircraft engineer in British Columbia, to the postal worker on the prairies, to the fire fighter in Toronto, divorced fathers' stories are of a piece: Though society stereotypes these men relentlessly, most divorced dads pay their child support. Among those who don't, a small percentage wilfully refuse to (the villains you always hear about).

What you haven't been told is that the other men in arrears are too impoverished to pay, have been ordered to pay unreasonable amounts, have been paying for unreasonable lengths of time, or are the victims of bureaucratic foul-ups. Read More ..

National Post

Father's suicide becomes rallying cry for fairness in court

April 1, 2000

BRANDON, Man. - Thirty-five years ago today, Lillian White gave birth to her youngest son. Yesterday, she knelt down and kissed his coffin at his graveside.

Darrin White committed suicide two weeks ago in Prince George, B.C., after a judge ordered him to pay his estranged wife twice his take-home pay in child support and alimony each month.

In death he has become a poignant symbol of family courts gone awry, of a divorce system run by people with closed minds, hard hearts and deaf ears.